Principled Compass is a value-based organization specializing in service delivery in the event and crowd management field. We provide oversight and direction for crowd management and service delivery to professionals in facilities, live entertainment,  and colleges in the event industry.

Principled Compass is more than just a name. It is an understanding that people and mission are connected at the fibers of service delivery; neither the mission nor the people can operate independently. As stated in the United States Military: “Mission first, people always”. We are committed to people and understand that the mission, whatever it is, begins with the people that are expected to execute it. We believe that the mission starts with a strong conviction to values and gives direction to the people in the organization. The name Principled Compass was born of this understanding, as our values will always be the directing force in our operations.

With over 20 years of experience in delivery of services, our founder brings a unique insight into the selection, hiring, training of staff and delivering on service expectations. His direct working knowledge of what it takes to plan, prepare and deliver employees in a large volume environment sets his approach aside from other programs. At Principled Compass, we understand that the values of this industry can sometimes be sacrificed for expediency, number of staff, and budget.  We stand on the belief that our principles guide our direction and will take our knowledge, processes and methodology to deliver exceptional service. 

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